A Quick Hello

Not entirely sure if anyone’s still reading this blog, but hello! to old friends, and welcome to the new 🙂

The first semester of university was… hard. Trying to find the motivation to write up lecture notes was difficult, and it seemed to me as though once you fell behind, that was it: you were left on your own to play catch up. Of course, it isn’t really like that. I have a lovely tutor who’s always optimistic, no matter what I throw at him. He’s there to help, but it’s hard for me to swallow my pride and actually ask for help. It’s probably partly why I didn’t do so well in my January exams, plus I worked so much over the Christmas break (big mistake).

But! It’s not all sadness and doom in my world. I made some lovely friends last semester, and met some more amazing people through said lovely friends. I’m still trying to catch up on lecture notes (curse you, rediscovered love of Korean dramas), but I think it’ll be more manageable this semester, provided I don’t start people watching in the library again. Plus I’m seeing my best friend on Valentine’s Day, which’ll be great.

Wish me luck for my upcoming presentation and timed essay! I’ll be back to blogging properly before you know it


P.S. Parties still aren’t a thing for me

University: The First Month

Firstly, can I just say a massive SORRY!! for neglecting this blog. I haven’t forgotten you guys, and I love you all so much.

Why haven’t I been updating? Well, I’d say it’s 90% down to university, and getting used to the workload. It’s the 5th week of university, and today’s been the first day where I haven’t had to go into uni. I’m also very behind on lecture notes. Everyone’s been saying how it’s fine to be behind; it’s most definitely NOT fine when I’m still working on my 1st week lecture notes in my 5th week. Having said that, I’ve finished my essay prep for my first timed essay on Monday *pats self on back*

I’ve managed to make a few friends, but it’s been difficult. People who live in halls had already formed their own little groups by the end of the first week. I forced myself to muster up what little courage I had in the second week, and talked to a girl on the way out of a lecture. My old group at school are a social bunch, and haven’t had any trouble making friends (plus they live in halls). I thought people at uni would be more friendly, especially in the first few weeks, but it’s hard when you’re an introvert to go up to people and say hi. It’s even harder when they choose to ignore you instead of replying (this happened to me last night, my ego’s still a bit bruised 😦 ) I’ve joined one society to date, and been to two socials. I’m not saying I would have gone to a lot more parties if I’d moved out, because I’m not particularly a party person, but it would have been easier not having to ask parental permission, or having an unspoken curfew.

I think that’s pretty much it for this time. I’m sorry it’s been a bit gloomy, but I wanted to let you guys know how I was getting on. Hopefully, I’ll have happier things to say next time I update, like “I’ve caught up with lecture notes”, and “Parties are the best things ever!”

P.S. I can’t see that last bit about parties happening, but never say never!

Last Day of August


When I look back, and think about summer, it’s amazing when I realise how much I’ve changed.

Previous summers involved doing nothing and lazing around the house all day, and the start of term always crept up stealthily, giving me an unpleasant surprise. This year’s been different, mainly because it’s been so long. My summer break began at the end of June, after my last A2 exam. That was a difficult time; I was exhausted from studying, yet it hadn’t sunk in properly. I think I’ve mentioned before how I felt totally lost for about 2 weeks after exams. Without revision sessions, my days felt pointless. There were days when I felt like crying out of frustration, because I didn’t know what to do with myself.

I tried to keep myself busy, babysitting every couple of days, and hanging out with friends, which made me feel rebellious (Studying of exams was intense, okay? It was like all day every day studying). When I babysat, I watched TV and films after the children had been sent to bed, instead of poring over revision guides.

So I guess July was the Month of Babysitting and Hanging Out. What about August? Well, I heard on the last day of June that I got the job that I applied for at the start of June. 😀 I realised that if I left looking for a summer job until after exams, I probably wouldn’t get one until the end of summer. Training for the job took place over the end of July/start of August, and I started properly on the 4th of August.

August was definitely the Month of Working. I had a couple of morning/day shifts, but I was essentially given mainly night shifts, finishing at midnight or one in the morning. Life became a blur of working, eating and sleeping. The only respite I had from working was results day, where I took the day off to celebrate with friends.

This summer, I feel like I’ve grown up a lot. Not physically, I’m still 5’3″. But with university life just about to begin, and working in my first real job, it’s finally sunk in that I’m going to be a proper grown up soon. It’s a scary thought, but I know I’ll get there.

A Fresh Start

3 days ago, on A Level Results Day, which is arguably the most important day of my academic year, I got home at 2 in the morning after work. Considering the fact that I can sleep through 5 alarm clocks, this was probably a stupid idea.

I woke up when my older sister asked, “Hey, what time are you going in to get your results?”

“Eight…,” I replied, and closed my eyes.

“It’s eight thirty,” she said.

Eyes flying open, and in a state of panic, I fell out of bed, and checked my phone. My best friend had called three times, and I had been too busy sleeping to answer. I called her, and asked if she could pick up my results for me. When I heard that she had already left school, I panicked even more, until she reminded me to check UCAS first. I would have preferred to have my results first, but it was too late for that, so I shakily booted up my laptop and logged in.


I screamed out of sheer joy, and started crying. My parents and sisters were so excited for me, and my best friend, who was still on the phone with me, congratulated me. The journey to pick up my results was so strange. I was elated, yet wanted to cry. I also wanted to kick myself for not waking up on time. When I saw my friend coming out of school, I started crying again, which worried him, until I told him my good news.

The whole day after that became a blur of calling and texting friends to find out how they did. The worst bit about that day was reassuring disappointed friends, and talking through their options. The most important thing was to make sure they were okay, and I think I managed to do that.

I can’t wait for September. It will definitely be scary, and it hasn’t sunk in just yet that I will be a university student, but new friends and new experiences await me.

It’s going to be so fun!

Quick Update

Hey guys, I’m so sorry about not updating this blog. I’ve just been so busy, like training for my new part time job, and having relatives over to stay, and visiting and being visited by my parents’ friends. I’ll be pretty much swamped by work, since we’re starting properly next week, and I’ll be working night shifts. I kind of already miss laying around the house doing nothing, but I think it’ll be exciting doing grown up stuff like working. I met the people I’ll be working with yesterday, and I definitely get on with all of them. The main thing I worried about before starting was whether I’d get on with the people I’ll be working alongside, and it’s so great to know that work will be something to look forward to.

I’m not sure when I’ll have time to update again, but I’ll definitely let you all know how Results Day is for me. Hopefully, I’ll get the grades that I’m wishing for!